Exceptional work in the Social Sciences Division has been recognised in the 2020 Vice Chancellor's Diversity Awards. The awards celebrate innovative initiatives and outstanding individuals promoting equality, diversity and inclusion across the University.
Inclusive Conference Guide – shortlisted in the ‘inclusive culture’ category
Alice Chautard and Claire Hann of the School of Geography and the Environment collaborated to develop a practical best practice guide for event organisers, drawing on extensive research of published and grey literature; consultation with experts; and the findings of a survey with more than 230 respondents. Launched in May 2019, the guide has been widely welcomed and used extensively within the University and beyond.
The Global Thinkers Project – shortlisted in the ‘promoting awareness’ category
The Global Thinkers Project aims to raise awareness of individuals who have made significant contributions to International Relations but have been excluded from its teaching canon and practice due to biases of language, region and gender. A discussion series launched in 2017 has brought speakers to Oxford from around the world and across disciplines. The sessions have also been podcasted, and will result in a volume of all the featured thinkers and an academic paper.
Tomorrow’s Oxford Heads – Diversifying Public Sculpture – shortlisted in the ‘promoting awareness’ category
This project, a collaboration between the School of Geography and the Environment and the History of Science Museum, enhanced the visibility of women and under-represented groups in the University’s externally-facing public sculpture.
Two temporary art installations were commissioned which were displayed outside the Sheldonian Theatre and History of Science Museum in summer 2019. The public were invited to submit suggestions of who or what they would like to see portrayed in future sculptures, with over 1,310 people leaving comments.
Harry Gable, an MPhil Student in Comparative Government, was shortlisted as a Champion/Role Model. As the New College MCR disability representative, Harry was nominated for his outstanding ability to lead and share willingly to increase awareness of disability, equality and diversity.
Congratulations also to our colleagues at Nuffield College running the Nuffield Undergraduate Scholars Institute (NUSI), the social science partner to the UNIQ+ programme. These sector-leading graduate access initiatives, launched in 2019, offer talented UK undergraduate students from areas and groups that traditionally have low progression into postgraduate study the chance to experience research at Oxford.
Full details of all nominations and awards on ox.ac.uk