The Social Sciences division is looking to appoint 3 Teaching Associates. The Teaching Associates will work over the course of Hilary and Trinity term, to support the divisional Researcher Development programme. The posts will consist of a maximum of 4 half days teaching work and 2 half days preparation time per term, and are open to any DPhil or Early Career Researchers in the division. We are particularly interested in applications from people who are able to offer teaching around interviewing research participants, working with children in the course of your research, working with ethnographic data, and working with mixed methods data. Please assure yourself that this work would be acceptable to the terms of any visa you have, as right to work checks will be carried out.
In application, please submit:
a) a CV (no more than 2 pages, giving details of any previous teaching experience);
b) a short letter of application explaining your interest in the post and your approach to teaching;
c) a one page example outline of a half-day (3-hour) training session you could run. This should include a title, any pre-requisites for attendees, intended learning outcomes, summary of approach, an indication of the key points to be covered, and an indicative reading list.
Applications should be emailed to by 12pm Friday 20th December. Shortlisted applicants will be advised on Monday 6th January, and interviews will be held in central Oxford on Wednesday 15th January.
Applicants invited for interview will be asked to give a 10-minute presentation, in which they deliver part of training session they have described under c) above.
Additional benefits for Teaching Associates
Qualification Support: DTAs who meet the eligibility requirements and wish to apply for DLT, or AFHEA accreditation during the year they are in post will be supported in this application through the appointment of an experienced teaching academic as a mentor. This mentorship will consist of up to two meetings per term for the duration of the post, and one review of the draft application for accreditation.
Professional Development Opportunities: DTAs will be given priority booking on SSD teaching related courses and events during their Fellowship. This is likely to include the Eloquent Things teaching with objects course run by the Ashmolean Museum.
Community Groups: DTAs are invited to propose a teaching-related community group for divisional support. If the proposal is approved, room and refreshment costs for the group will be met, and publicity provided.
Teaching Observation: DTAs may request a teaching observation, which will provide them with constructive feedback to improve their teaching practice.
Teaching Reference: At the end of the DTA post, the Division will provide a reference describing the work carried out by post-holders.
DTAs will be paid at Casual Pay Spine Point 31 (£18.06) per hour.