EDI Project: Spotlight on EDI Research

Individual researchers in EDI areas are currently dispersed across our Departments, Schools and Faculties and, as a result, our divisional research strength in this area is not fully recognised. Researchers currently have little inter-disciplinary interaction and exchange of ideas, and this project aims to facilitate collaboration and mutual intellectual enrichment.

Our Associates in 2022-23 conducted an initial exercise to identify and map such research across the Division, and held a Spotlight showcase event.   

We continue to develop the Network, running further networking events/seminars, and laying the foundation for further collaboration and interdisciplinary interaction in the future.

If you are interested in joining this Network, or in finding out more, please contact diversity@socsci.ox.ac.uk.  


Details about our previous EDI Research Spotlight and Networking Events are available on our EDI Research page (click here)