Crossing Boundaries: The building blocks of good communication

Training designed to identify key stakeholders and hone your research communication skills

With an increasing focus on your research having an impact beyond academia it is important for researchers to feel comfortable communicating their research clearly. 

This 3.5-hour workshop is for academics and early career researchers for whom interdisciplinary research and policy engagement are relevant and who want to share their research with colleagues, stakeholders, and the wider public with a focus on practical skills and exercises. This workshop provides an exciting opportunity to get in-depth knowledge and practical training from two experienced BBC producers and journalists, Claire Bolderson and Caroline Finnegan.

The course will cover:

1.    Identifying your stakeholders and who you want to talk to and why
2.    The importance of clarity in language and messaging
3.    Practical examples of talking with stakeholders
4.    Practical exercise to put learnings into practice


Participants should come to the session prepared with three short sentences summarising one piece of research they want to promote.  This can be a completed project or a work in progress.  

Additional info:

This session is open to researchers from the Social Sciences Division.

Places on this workshop are limited and are fully subsidised by the University, making it free for participants. If you are unable to attend please cancel your place as soon as possible so that we can reallocate it to others on the waiting list. 

The Trainers

Claire Bolderson is a news journalist and documentary maker with more than 25 years’ experience at the BBC. She was presenter of Newshour on the World Service and The World Tonight on Radio 4. Claire began her broadcasting career in Indonesia as correspondent for the BBC and Financial Times. She went on to be BBC correspondent in Washington in the mid-1990s. Since then, she has returned repeatedly to the US to report while also broadcasting from Africa, Europe and Asia. Claire continues to make documentaries for the BBC. She is a regular guest commentator on the Weekend programme on the BBC World Service while also writing and blogging, mostly on UK politics and social affairs.  

Caroline Finnegan is a media training consultant with over 20 years’ experience as a programme maker and producer at the BBC, formerly working in BBC World Newsgathering where she covered breaking global news, developed story ideas into features and documentaries and worked on a number of radio series for BBC World Service Radio. She specialized in conflict zones such as Pakistan and Afghanistan but also travelled widely in the Middle East, America, Africa, Europe, China, India and other parts of Asia. 


See our full Terms and Conditions below

If you have specific circumstances which may affect your engagement with this event, or your meeting our Terms and Conditions, please continue with your booking and contact us by email to discuss how we can support you:


Book your space

Researcher Development Terms and Conditions

In booking any training workshops, you agree that: 


COMMITMENT: application is not an expression of interest; it is a firm commitment. You will be available for the full duration of the course session(s); if you are not, please do not make a booking. You will not accept any subsequent meeting invitations that may fall during the given workshop times. 

PRE-WORK / HOMEWORK: if applicable, you will complete any given pre-work and/or homework as described on the workshop web listing, as it constitutes part of the workshop  

CANCELLATION: should your circumstances change, and you are not able to attend the full session(s). you will cancel using the CoSy booking system (link in booking confirmation email) giving at least 72-hours' notice, so we can offer the place to someone on the waiting list. Cancellations by email will not be accepted. 

ARRIVAL: you will join, or arrive at, the workshop 5 minutes before the advertised start time, to ensure a prompt start. 

LATE POLICY: you understand that the online room will be locked / workshop door will be closed 10 minutes after the event start time and late-comers will not be admitted. This is to preserve the integrity of the course for those who are present.  

ENGAGEMENT: you will give the session your undivided attention and engagement. You will not be able to do other tasks in parallel. If online, you will ensure that your environment and internet connection allow you to participate verbally and with video cameras on. These are interactive workshops, and it is not appropriate to attend from a silent or shared workspace. 

ATTENDANCE RECORD: you understand the Register will be taken in the last half-hour of the course, and anyone not present in the room at that point will be marked as non -attending (see below) 

FEEDBACK: you will contribute feedback afterwards, to help us understand how well the session met its intended aims, and facilitate our continuous improvement 

CONSEQUENCES OF NON-ATTENDANCE: you understand that any non-attendance  
a) is visible to departments and supervisors/PIs, and  
b) may result in any future bookings you’ve made within the same term being cancelled, and the place(s) offered to the waiting list.