Grant Writing Workshops

Are you considering applying for a grant or fellowship in the immediate future?  

Is this your first application, or are you looking for a refresher on strong grant writing practice, or what goes into a successful application?  

Are there specific more specific aspects or sections of application forms that you would like to discuss?  

If you answered yes to any of the above, then the new series of Grant Writing Workshops might be of interest! 

Building upon previous similar events, this is a new series that will offer monthly workshops covering a wide range of relevant themes and topics.  



1. Learning grant writing basics 

2. Developing grant writing skills 

3. Learning about what traditionally makes for a successful grant application 

4. Learning about some of the most common themes on grant and fellowship applications: research impact, how to write a budget, pump priming, etc.  

5. Learning about divisional resources available


The program for the next 6 months is as follows:  


7 March 2024

‘Basic’ Grant Writing Workshop


 30 April 2024:

Introduction to 'Impact' - what is it, how do you write about it? 


28 May 2024:

How to prepare a budget? 





28 June 2024

Pump Priming and Smaller Grant Applications 


31 July 2024

Large(r) Grants: when to start preparing and how different are these applications? 

Book here

August 2024

 Introduction to divisional resources and how they complement departments 

Date TBC



Each workshop is designed to be interactive and will include a minimum 15min Q&A session open to any questions related to grant writing irrespective of the monthly theme.