Hosted by Will Pryor, the University’s Head of Policy Engagement
Many of our researchers are passionate about improving public policy. Some take up formal opportunities, such as placements or advisory roles, or submit evidence in response to parliamentary inquiries or government consultations. Some integrate policy engagement into their research from the outset. Others pursue more informal routes. Some do a bit of everything, developing enduring and mutually beneficial relationships with the policymaking community based on research excellence, an appreciation of shared interests, and the ability to serve as an honest broker. But for some us of us it can be hard to know where – or even why – to start. If you’re wondering where to turn for guidance, advice and opportunities, why not join Will Pryor, the University’s Head of Policy Engagement, for this lunchtime discussion.
To develop a better understanding of:
1. What public policy is and where it is made;
2. The relevance of research evidence and expertise to the policymaking community;
3. How to identify where to start when considering engagement; and
4. How the Oxford Policy Engagement Network can help.