Dr Rachel Condry partnered with the Youth Justice Board, the Home Office, the Association of Chief Police Officers, the College of Policing and the charities Against Violence and Abuse (AVA) and Respect, to develop the first official government policy on adolescent to parent violence (APV) in the UK.
In the UK, Adolescent to Parent Violence (APV) has been largely unstudied within the fields of youth justice, domestic violence, policing, and criminology – no official data had been collected and until recently there was virtual silence on the topic among policymakers. With funding from the ESRC (ES/H009922/1) from 2010 to 2013, Dr Rachel Condry, Associate Professor of Criminology in the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford, undertook the first large-scale study of APV in the UK, providing the first analysis of police recorded cases in the country and some of the first systematic evidence of the problem in the world.
Dr Condry has since partnered with the Youth Justice Board, the Home Office, the Association of Chief Police Officers, the College of Policing and the charities Against Violence and Abuse (AVA) and Respect, to address the pressing need to develop specific policy guidance for youth justice workers, police officers, domestic violence workers, education and social work practitioners who encounter Adolescent to Parent Violence (APV) in the course of their work. With funding from the Oxford’s ESRC IAA, Dr Condry and the team worked closely with the Home Office to produce an information guide for practitioners working with APV – the first official government policy on APV in the UK.
Coinciding with the launch of this new guide, the team held two events in Manchester and London for service providers to bring the guide to the attention of a wider audience and also to discuss with people in the field how the problem of APV might be addressed in their local areas.
To ensure that the key messages of the study could reach, and can continue to reach, the widest possible audience, a project website was developed, which includes a blog with guest posts from practitioners and policymakers as well as two short films about APV. In this way, Dr Condry and her team hope to raise awareness of this important issue and inform policy to bring relief and support to parent victims of violence across the UK.
In 2016, Dr Condry was runner up in the 'Outstanding Impact in Public Policy' category at the ESRC Celebrating Impact Awards.
This project was funded by Oxford's ESRC Impact Acceleration Account.
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